Summer Solstice

June brings us hotter weather, visits to the beach, and more outdoor fun. It also includes the summer solstice which occurs on Wednesday, June 21. The summer solstice marks the start of the summer months and the longest day of the year before the nights start growing shorter again. During the days leading up to the solstice, the ancient Romans celebrated Vesta, goddess of hearth, home, and family. Today, many people celebrate during the evening prior with a fire outdoors and a gathering of friends. We have some suggested rituals you may want to try as a way to honor the coming of the summer season while letting go of seasons past.

  • Letting Go: While spring may be known as the season for cleaning, the summer solstice is another opportunity to let go of items that no longer serve you. It’s the perfect time to assess items in your winter wardrobe: are there any you did not wear during the winter? What’s keeping you from donating them or selling them through consignment? Are there other closets (or even just a drawer) in your home that house items you have not used in the past year or longer? We may need certain items for occasional use, but the solstice gives us an opportunity to reassess and let go of things that may be weighing us down, whether metaphorically or in actuality. 

  • Nurture Growth: Plant flowers or vegetables in your yard, if you have one, or grow a plant from seed in a pot if you live in a condo or apartment. Digging in dirt is literally a grounding activity which supports our root chakra and calms our nervous system. This ritual is also a wonderful symbol for self-care and can reinforce your intentions to nurture yourself in the coming months.

  • Release List: Create a list of what you wish to release during the summer season and burn it safely in a fire. Things you may want to release could include unhealthy habits, toxic patterns, unsupportive beliefs about yourself, the desire to control others, addictive behaviors, and more.  Maybe events occurred in the past that brought you pain and suffering. A release ritual can support your desire to move past those events and look toward a better future. The act of writing your list and then burning it in the fire symbolizes and strengthens your intention to make these changes in your life. If fires make you nervous, you can also pour some salt on a plastic cutting board and write a word in the salt that represents what you wish to let go. Say a prayer of release and then let water from a pitcher, a garden hose, or your faucet wash it all away.

Happy Solstice, Everyone!   ~ Elizabeth Hensley, Naturally Radiant Practitioner