Energy Therapy

Every cell of the body communicates with every other cell in the body in multiple ways. Imbalances often occur not only nutritionally or structurally, but also emotionally, triggered  by emotions and life experiences. Energy medicine can assist with decoding these emotions and experiences and help in  bringing the body back into balance. At Naturally Radiant, we offer services from highly skilled and qualified Energy Therapists.



Marie Johnson is a Certified Body Talk and Access Bars Practitioner and Energy Worker also trained in Acupressure and other energy therapies. She combines her talents to harmoniously restore physiological and emotional balance in a new service called Body Balance, a method to prioritize and address stored emotions. physiological issues, relationship stresses, and assist the body in achieving a state of balance.


Body Balance
Body Balance is a method used to prioritize and address stored emotions, physiological issues, relationship and environmental stresses, and assist the body in achieving a state of balance. Body Balance combines BodyTalk and Acupressure to harmoniously restore physiological and emotional balance by addressing the underlying cause of conditions.


Elizabeth provides 3 therapeutic energy healing services. The Bengston Energy Healing Method is an innovative energy-based healing technique that uses hands-on healing to engage the energy system. Crystal Balancing Therapy is an alternative medicine technique that employs crystals and other stones as conduits for natural healing energy. Emotion Code is a powerful method of finding and releasing trapped emotions which can alleviate physical pain, ease emotional wounds, and improve relationships.


Bengston Energy Healing Method
The Bengson Method® is an innovative energy healing technique that has been shown to be effective on a wide variety of health conditions. Dr. Bill Bengston used this therapy in several university studies to cure breast cancer in mice. The Bengson Method has also been used as a tool for manifestation by using Image Cycling ™ to enhance healing.

Crystal Therapy
Crystal Therapy uses stones to bring clarity and grounding to your mind and body. Crystals are used to balance your chakras and align your energy. Clients report feeling calm, peaceful, energized, and better able to handle the stressors of life after their sessions.

Emotion Code
The Emotion Code is an energy medicine technique for releasing trapped emotions in order o help you alleviate physical pain, ease emotional wounds, and improve your relationships. It also works wonderful on pets!


Ligia Grande is Quantum Facilitator Activator, Ascension Guide, Mentor. and Certified Professional Coach. She offers multi-dimensional quantum-healing sessions including Energy Chakra Release and balancing with Cord Cutting and Lightbody Recalibration. Quantam technologies and tools provide a powerful combination in helping remove trauma karmic contracts. and other blockages stored in energy fields


Sound Therapy
Sound Therapy with Ligia Grande provides relaxation and healing through the energy flow of beautiful sound vibrations that will dissolve and release stress in your body, bringing you into a state of balance, peace and harmony. Soothing frequencies and vibrations work on the body's energy field to clear the mind, remove trapped energies, relieve anxiety, promote wellness and much more.

Quantum Deep Energetic Cellular Clearing
Quantum Deep Energetic Cellular Clearing is a very powerful combination of light frequencies and soul quantum technology where toxic, dense, and negative energies are cleansed, released, and brought back into alignment. You may release ancestral patterns, past life trauma, and karmic contracts that are affecting your present reality and physical condition. This session focuses on recalibration and light body clearing.

Quantum Inner Child Healing
When we experience a traumatic event in life during childhood or any age, at an energetic level our soul fragments into pieces. These fragments of soul continue to relive the same traumatic experience when tiggered as this trauma gets stored in our cell's memory in our subconscious making it really hard to access on our own. During this session, soul fragments are brougt in alignment in order to heal and balance and returned to your heart so you can be whole again, liberated from repetitive patterns, feeling stuck, and feeling like a part of you is missing.

Emotional & Spiritual Coaching and Mentoring
During and after energetic work an abundance of energy moves to the surface for you to process. This energy has been hidden away for a long time. This session will assist, support and guide you through that processing time. You will experience big shifts in consciousness while releasing layers, breaking mental loops and old patterns while letting go of the old and making space for the new you!

Anette Stjärnhjärta


Anette Stjärnhjärta works with many different Energetic Body Processes that will assist and quicken the body’s natural healing capacities. She is a licensed Access Body Facilitator and licensed Access Energetic Facelift™ Facilitator. She is also an Energy Life Coach and helps you to change your “vibe” (energy) to be able to thrive in relationships & work


Energy Restoration & Clearings, Restore and Activate Your Unique Blueprint for Optimal Health
This modality is a gentle treatment using light touch on the head. It's like pressing the delete button on your computer's cluttered hard drive – only this time, you're creating space in your brain. Things like negative thought patterns or that endless mental chatter keeping you awake at night can be released, so you can restore and activate more Energy in your body for optimal health.

Correction & Release of Trauma in Your Spine and Head by Lightly Touching Points on your Head
Using gentle pressure on the head, neck, and back can relieve the stress and pain caused by compression. It can, as a result, help treat back and neck pain. Through the gentle method of Craniosacral manipulation of the bones in the skull, spine, and pelvis, the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the central nervous system can be normalized. Then it removes "blockages" from the normal flow, which enhances the body's ability to heal.

Energetic Facelift for a Smooth and Glowing Face
The Access Energetic FaceliftTM allows the body to move and transform many limiting energies and judgments that get locked in our face, head, chest, and body. It's a dynamic yet gentle hands-on body process, and the Facelift can deepen and quicken the body's natural healing capacities.

Energy Coaching
Benefit from learning how to clear your energy field and create a life where you can thrive. The first step is to clear your feelings, your mind, and body from unnecessary burdens from other people, family, co-workers, and past traumas & events.

Next restore & activate your Energy, by learning to increase your space of relaxation and awareness and change and experience your life to have fulfilling health, personal, and work relationships. You will learn hands on tools to be able to improve all areas of your life; your work, relationships, and health. Anette invites you to start your journey today.

Mini-session with Anette for First time Clients
If you have never had any of these sessions with Anette. She invites you to have a taste of how it could feel to be more relaxed and give your body a chance to stimulate natural healing capacities.