Mama, You Still Matter!

As mothers, we often forget to take the time to hit “reset.” Yet, we expect ourselves to keep going at breakneck speed. Well, guess what? I want to let you in on a little secret. You are allowed to take time back for yourself, and you are allowed to hit pause and take time caring for you and you alone because...Mama, you still matter!

A good mother is simply a mother that loves with all of her heart and does the best she can. A good mother is also one who knows that she is allowed to be human and is willing to give herself grace; she must practice self care because she knows that if she allows herself to burn out and isn’t happy ain’t nobody gonna be happy! A “good mom” knows that she must pay attention to her physical, mental and spiritual health else she WILL break. So therefore, she cares for herself and she stops putting herself last. If self care seems shameful to you or does not come easy to you let me remind you to care for yourself once again, without any shame or guilt.  By doing this you will have the energy to be the happy, energetic, and the healthy mother you strive to be and that your family needs.


~Laura Heflin