Are Your Hormones Aging You?

Did you know that hormones are created by glands which make up the endocrine system? They are like chemical messengers that signal tissue response in the body. They influence things like growth and development, metabolism – how your body gets energy from the foods you eat, sexual function, reproduction, mood, fatigue, & body temperature. Menopause and manopause is a real thing!

Hormones out of balance can lead to many health issues like diabetes, weight gain or loss, infertility, weak bones, skin issues, mood disorders, fatigue, and many other issues. Critical glandular functions are performed by various endocrine glands. For example, the Hypothalamus regulates body temperature, weight, mood, thirst, sleep, sex drive and release of hormones from other glands. The Adrenal Glands produce androgens and cortisol, hormone precursors, and regulates blood sugar. Our ovaries and testes are responsible for reproduction and produce estrogens, progesterone, and testosterone. Imagine the impact on the biological system when the latter two stop producing these crucial hormones placing even greater stress on the Adrenal Glands!

The Pancreas is maintains healthy blood sugar levels while the parathyroid is crucial in bone development an calcium absorption. These endocrine glands are meant to work in harmony like a beautiful symphony as we advance through the stages of life.

Did you know that your skin changes in response to hormonal changes? Estrogen and testosterone levels affect oily skin during puberty and menstrual cycles. Male hormones (androgens) increase oil production in sebaceous glands, female pattern hair loss, and excessive hair growth.  Estrogen is also linked to increase in collagen production, skin thickness, hydration and wound healing. Puberal and peri menopausal women have higher levels of estrogen than post menopausal women. This can lead to things like excessive weight gain, sweaty skin, hair loss, dryness, acne, fine & wrinkles, rosacea, & hyperpigmentation (age spots).

We can improve physical, mental and skin health by balancing hormones with correct dietary choices, nutrient supports and physical activity. Skin should be protected at all times with reflective natural sun screens. Select topical products that feed, nourish, and rejuvenate skin while repairing and restoring skin with regular professional face and body treatments.
